Problem Definition

Remove the comma in variadic macro when there is no argument with GCC extension.

For example, if we define a macro as the example in GNU’s preprocessor section: Variadic Macro.

#define eprintf(...) fprintf (stderr, __VA_ARGS__)

When we call eprintf(); it becomes fprintf(stderr,);
Then it raise compiler error: [Error] expected expression before ‘)’ token

In fact, for typical case, you can directly modify the above macro to this.

#define eprintf(format, ...) fprintf (stderr, format, ##__VA_ARGS__)

Historically, GNU CPP has also had another extension to handle the trailing comma: the ‘##’ token paste operator has a special meaning when placed between a comma and a variable argument. Despite the introduction of __VA_OPT__, this extension remains supported in GNU CPP, for backward compatibility. and the variable argument is left out when the eprintf macro is used, then the comma before the ‘##’ will be deleted. This does not happen if you pass an empty argument, nor does it happen if the token preceding ‘##’ is anything other than a comma.

But, ##__VA_ARGS__ is only supported with extension, which means it doesn’t support when you compile your code with C standard, such as gcc -std=c11


The idea all comes from Jens Gustedt’s Blog: Detect empty macro arguments

The idea is to put the arguments that we want to test between the macro and its parenthesis, such that the macro only triggers if the arguments are empty:

In fact, I am just going to explain this idea in detail by my human-compiler XD.

Fisrt, we define two macro: (Note: TEST() is just for explanation, we won’t define it in real practice.)

#define _TRIGGER_PARENTHESIS_(...) ,
#define TEST(...) _TRIGGER_PARENTHESIS_ __VA_ARGS__ (/*empty*/)

Key Point: TEST() will only be able to expand to , when we pass empty argument in TEST().

Give some test arguments in TEST() to give a better explanation.


Since we only define _TRIGGER_PARENTHESIS_(...) . Iit’s undefined if only _TRIGGER_PARENTHESIS_ appears.

As a result, TEST(1) becomes () in the end.

When we have the parenthesis in argument, it will expand to ,().

For example, TEST((1)) becomes _TRIGGER_PARENTHESIS_ (1) (/*empty*/). then it expand to ,() in the end.

Second, we define another macro HAS_COMMA to detect whether argument contains , or not.

#define _ARG3(_0, _1, _2, ...) _2
#define HAS_COMMA(...) _ARG3(__VA_ARGS__, 1, 0)

Same as above, give some test arguments in HAS_COMMA() to give a better explanation.

HAS_COMMA() -> _ARG3( , 1, 0) -> 0

HAS_COMMA(1) -> _ARG3(1 , 1, 0) -> 0

HAS_COMMA(,) -> _ARG3( , , 1, 0) -> 1

HAS_COMMA(1,2) -> _ARG3(1, 2 , 1, 0) -> 1

HAS_COMMA(()) -> _ARG3(() , 1, 0) -> 0

HAS_COMMA(foo(1,2,3)) -> _ARG3(foo(1,2,3) , 1, 0) -> 0

Note: _ARG3 macro only support at most 2 arguments, so this one will expand as the 3rd argument:

HAS_COMMA(1,2,3) -> _ARG3(1, 2, 3, 1, 0) -> 3


Combining these two macro, we can derive the ISEMPY() macro to perform the argument check.

#define ISEMPTY(...) \
    _ISEMPTY( \
        HAS_COMMA(__VA_ARGS__), \
        HAS_COMMA(__VA_ARGS__ (/*empty*/)), \
        HAS_COMMA(_TRIGGER_PARENTHESIS_ __VA_ARGS__ (/*empty*/)) \
#define _IS_EMPTY_CASE_0001 ,
#define PASTES(_0, _1, _2, _3, _4 ) _0 ## _1 ## _2 ## _3 ## _4
#define _ISEMPTY(_0, _1, _2, _3) HAS_COMMA(PASTES(_IS_EMPTY_CASE_, _0, _1, _2, _3))

Let’s dig into these four HAS_COMMA macro and leave the others macro to later.

HAS_COMMA(_TRIGGER_PARENTHESIS_ __VA_ARGS__ (/*empty*/) is the main check, did you notice that this is TEST()?

In fact, the remaining three macro are only for detecting some corner cases.

HAS_COMMA(__VA_ARGS__) is for typical cases, as explained above, it will return 1 if argument contains ,.

HAS_COMMA(_TRIGGER_PARENTHESIS_ __VA_ARGS__) is to check whether the first argument of __VA_ARGS__ contains ()


HAS_COMMA(__VA_ARGS__ (/*empty*/)) is for special case, it checks whether the argument is another macro/function without argument. For example, #define foo(...) 1, then HAS_COMMA(foo ()) -> HAS_COMMA(1) -> 0.

Now we almost achieve the goal, let’s give test some cases in ISEMPTY():

HAS_COMMA(), \ //  -> _ARGS(  ,  1, 0) -> 0
HAS_COMMA(_TRIGGER_PARENTHESIS_ ), \ // ->_ARGS( , 1, 0) -> 0
HAS_COMMA(()), \ // -> _ARGS((), 1, 0) -> 0
HAS_COMMA(_TRIGGER_PARENTHESIS_ ()) \ // -> _ARGS( , , 1, 0) -> 1
-> _ISEMPTY(0, 0, 0, 1)
HAS_COMMA((1)), \ // -> _ARG3((1) ,1,0) -> 0
HAS_COMMA(_TRIGGER_PARENTHESIS_ (1)), \ // ->  _ARG3(    , , 1, 0) -> 1
HAS_COMMA((1) ()), \ // -> _ARG3((1) (), 1, 0) -> 0
HAS_COMMA(_TRIGGER_PARENTHESIS_ (1)() \ //  -> _ARG3(  ,(),1,0) -> 1
-> _ISEMPTY(0, 1, 0, 1)
HAS_COMMA(1,2), \ // -> _ARGS(1, 2, 1, 0) -> 1
HAS_COMMA(_TRIGGER_PARENTHESIS_ 1, 2), \ // -> _ARGS(1, 2, 1, 0) -> 1
HAS_COMMA(1, 2 ()), \ // -> _ARGS(1, 2 (), 1, 0) -> 1
HAS_COMMA(_TRIGGER_PARENTHESIS_ 1,  2()) \ // -> _ARG3(1, 2, (), 1, 0) -> 1
-> _ISEMPTY(1, 1, 1, 1)
ISEMPTY(bar(1)) -> _ISEMPTY( \
HAS_COMMA(bar(1)), \ //  -> _ARG3(bar(1) ,1,0) -> 0
HAS_COMMA(_TRIGGER_PARENTHESIS_ bar(1)), \ // -> _ARG3(bar(1) ,1, 0 )-> 0
HAS_COMMA(bar(1) ()), \ // -> _ARG3(bar(1) (), 1,0) -> 0
HAS_COMMA(_TRIGGER_PARENTHESIS_ bar(1)() \ //  -> _ARG3(bar(1) (), 1,0) -> 0
-> _ISEMPTY(0, 0, 0, 0)

OK, I think we have enough cases.

As you can see, the expanded value in _ISEMPTY() is 0,0,0,1 only if we pass empty argument.

As a result, _IS_EMPTY_CASE_ is only meaningful with 0, 0, 0, 1, since it must concat with 0, 0, 0, 1.

Note: We let the other cases meaningless on purpose to let it become empty!

Finally, _ISEMPTY(0, 0, 0, 1) -> HAS_COMMA(_IS_EMPTY_CASE_0001) -> HAS_COMMA(,) -> 1

Full Code

#define _ARG3(_0, _1, _2, ...) _2
#define HAS_COMMA(...) _ARG3(__VA_ARGS__, 1, 0)

// Expand for more arguments, you can refer to following examples
// 4 Arguments
//#define _ARG4(_0, _1, _2, _3, ...) _3
//#define HAS_COMMA(...) _ARG4(__VA_ARGS__, 1, 1, 0)

// 16 arguments
//#define _ARG16( _0,  _1,  _2,  _3,  _4, _5, _6, _7, _8, _9, _10, _11, _12, _13, _14, _15, ...) _15
//#define HAS_COMMA(...) _ARG16(__VA_ARGS__, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0)

#define _TRIGGER_PARENTHESIS_ (...) ,

#define ISEMPTY(...) \
    _ISEMPTY( \
        HAS_COMMA(__VA_ARGS__), \
        HAS_COMMA(__VA_ARGS__ (/*empty*/)), \
        HAS_COMMA(_TRIGGER_PARENTHESIS_ __VA_ARGS__ (/*empty*/)) \

#define eprintf(...) _PRINT(ISEMPTY(__VA_ARGS__), __VA_ARGS__)
#define _PRINT(is_empty, ...) _PRINT_EXPAND_CHECK_EMPTY(is_empty, __VA_ARGS__)
#define _PRINT_EXPAND_CHECK_EMPTY(is_empty, ...) PRINT_EXPAND_IS_EMPTY_ ##is_empty (__VA_ARGS__)
#define PRINT_EXPAND_IS_EMPTY_0(...)  fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__)
#define PRINT_EXPAND_IS_EMPTY_1(...)  /* empty macro */

int main(){
  //Parenthesis case
  //Function call case
  //NOTE: This case will fail since we support at most 2 arguments in _ARG3
  // Expanded result:
  // ISEMPTY(1,2,3) -> 
  // _ISEMPTY(
  // HAS_COMMA(1,2,3),  -> _ARGS3( 1, 2, 3 , 1, 0) -> 3
  // HAS_COMMA(_TRIGGER_PARENTHESIS_ 1, 2,3), -> _ARG3(1,2,3, 1,0) -> 3
  // HAS_COMMA(1,2,3 ()), -> _ARG3(1,2,3 (), 1,0) -> 3()
  // HAS_COMMA(_TRIGGER_PARENTHESIS_ 1,2,3 ()) -> _ARG3(1,2,3 (), 1,0) -> 3()
  // )
  // _ISEMPTY(3, 3, 3(), 3()) -> HAS_COMMA(_IS_EMPTY_CASE_333()3()) -> build fail!!